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Асанаро более двадцати-пяти лет посвятил изучению и преподаванию Искусств Боабом: альтернативные целебные Искусства, которые возникли в Бод (название добуддийского Тибета). Эти искусства передавались как ряд наук, которые изучают релаксацию, самозащиту, медитацию и философию.

asanaro-with-tobaeЗа это время Асанаро преподавал, читал лекции и проводил форумы, распространяя эти системы по Южной Америке, Европе и Соединённым Штатам. Его деятельность сыграла важную роль в создании множества центров и ассоциаций, которые пробуждают интерес и улучшают понимание Искусств и Техник нетрадиционной медицины.

До сих пор, он посвящает себя распространению этих разносторонних учений, которые входят в школу Ммуларган, где он преподает. Для Асанаро Школа и те, кто борется за её рост, были неотъемлемой частью создания книг, представленных здесь, а так же крайне необходимы для прошлой и будущей передачи Искусств Боабом.

С недавнего времени, Асанаро регулярно преподает семинары в Бостонской Школе Боабом — первой школе в США, специализирующейся в Искусствах Боабом.

About the Author

For over twenty-five years Asanaro has devoted his life to the study and teaching of the Alternative Healing Arts of Bod or pre-Buddhist Tibetan origin. These Arts are transmitted as a range of sciences that study relaxation, pharmacy defense, meditation, and philosophy. In recent years he has developed and formalized these currents through Seamm-Jasani and Boabom.

Over this period he has taught, lectured on, and given forums concerning these systems throughout South America, Europe, and the United States. Through his practice he has been instrumental in founding many different centers and associations that serve to stimulate interest in, and to advance the understanding of, these Arts and Techniques for alternative medicine.

He still dedicates himself to the propagation of these various teachings that comprise the Mmulargan school, in which he works as a teacher. To Asanaro, the School and those who strive for its growth have been essential to the creation of the books presented here, and are vital to the past and future transmission of the Boabom Arts.

Asanaro regularly teaches seminars at The Boston School of Boabom, the first school in the USA to specialize in the Boabom Arts.

Asanaro is currently sponsoring the Tibetan Altruism Association, an organization, based in Lhasa, with the goal of fighting poverty through improving education and health services in Tibet.

He currently resides in the USA.

About the Author

For over twenty-five years Asanaro has devoted his life to the study and teaching of the Alternative Healing Arts of Bod or pre-Buddhist Tibetan origin. These Arts are transmitted as a range of sciences that study relaxation, nurse defense, visit meditation, dosage and philosophy. In recent years he has developed and formalized these currents through Seamm-Jasani and Boabom.

Over this period he has taught, lectured on, and given forums concerning these systems throughout South America, Europe, and the United States. Through his practice he has been instrumental in founding many different centers and associations that serve to stimulate interest in, and to advance the understanding of, these Arts and Techniques for alternative medicine.

He still dedicates himself to the propagation of these various teachings that comprise the Mmulargan school, in which he works as a teacher. To Asanaro, the School and those who strive for its growth have been essential to the creation of the books presented here, and are vital to the past and future transmission of the Boabom Arts.

Asanaro regularly teaches seminars at The Boston School of Boabom, the first school in the USA to specialize in the Boabom Arts.

Asanaro is currently sponsoring the Tibetan Altruism Association, an organization, based in Lhasa, with the goal of fighting poverty through improving education and health services in Tibet.

He currently resides in the USA.

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Asanaro books